
Justice Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), decided, on Monday (7), to grant the progression of the prison regime to former federal deputy Daniel Silveira to the semi-open regime, but determined that the Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration of Rio de Janeiro (Seap) adopt measures for him to go to an agricultural, industrial or similar colony.

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Currently, according to data from the Seap website, only one prison in the state of Rio de Janeiro fits the profile cited by Moraes, the Marco Aurélio Vergas Tavares de Mattos Agricultural Colony, which is located in Magé, a city in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro.

According to data from the National Council of Justice (CNJ) updated until September 30, the agricultural colony of Magé has 116 prisoners, all male, serving their sentences in the semi-open regime. The capacity of the place is 140 spaces. According to the CNJ, 75 inmates in the colony work internally (inside the unit) and 23 in external work (outside the unit).

In granting regime progression to Silveira, who was sentenced to eight years and nine months in prison by the STF, Minister Alexandre de Moraes understood that the former deputy met the necessary requirements to move to the less severe prison regime, which were the fulfillment of 25% of the sentence imposed and the payment of fines totaling R$ 271 thousand.

In addition, according to the decision, Silveira demonstrated good prison behavior and underwent a criminological examination, requested by the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), which pointed out that he has “aptitude and capacity to exercise work activity” and that he “recognizes his own responsibility for the crime, as well as the legitimacy of the sentence that was imputed to him”.


Lawyer Paulo Faria, for former deputy Daniel Silveira, said that “the decision is as if it were false (fake). Moraes’ decision is a fake progression, everything the defense asked for he did not answer. He did not allow Silveira to be close to his family. What he did was a pretense of decision, Silveira is a political prisoner. He did not comment on the defense’s requests. A letter of employment was presented and he did not appreciate it. What Moraes did he already deferred to having done 155 days in compliance with the law. He only exchanged six for half a dozen. A decision without nexus. He did the minimum he was obliged to do. Moraes’ operating mode is torture under torture, so I am making his complaints at the International Criminal Court and two others,” said the lawyer.

The lawyer also said that Silveira is psychologically shaken and needs medical treatment, Moraes did not respond to this and any other request. He only changed the political prisoner from prison.

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