Início Política After CNJ with Lula’s allies removed magistrates who worked in the Car...

After CNJ with Lula’s allies removed magistrates who worked in the Car Wash operation. Judges paralyze activities in protest

Cofres públicos devem arcar com auxílio-creche à magistrados decide o

The Paraná Association of Federal Judges (Apajufe) called for an act of strike in protest against the decision of the National Inspector of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), Luís Salomão, to precautionarily remove judges Gabriela Hardt and Danilo Pereira Júnior, who served in the 13th Federal Court of Curitiba, and judges Carlos Eduardo Thompson Flores Lenz and Loraci Flores de Lima.

The association pointed out that “generic arguments are not acceptable” without a concrete reasoning, as was used in the decision. “The decisions rendered … advanced far beyond the correctional quadrants to achieve – not without recklessness – the legitimate exercise of the jurisdiction of four magistrates, as well as the dignity and free exercise of jurisdiction of all Brazilian Judges, especially those working in the Federal Court of the 4th Region”.

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The mobilization called for this Tuesday (16) continues while the class awaits the end of the plenary session of the CNJ. Apajufe points out that the movement is against “the weakening of the guarantees of the judiciary”, with the exception of hearings already designated and any “hypothesis of possible loss of rights”.

Apajufe expressed “indignation and concern” over Solomon’s decision. The institution said that the affected magistrates have been working for decades and “have never been the target of any investigation or administrative sanction.”

“Frightened judges are not able to guarantee fundamental rights against the state. Judges subservient to the political system and without full functional independence are not in a position to freely ensure the rights of citizens, especially against the interests of the economically and politically powerful,” APAJUFE said.

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