
“I also want to see the images from the cameras of the Ministry of Justice,” says Mendonça. In the trial session of the first three defendants of the acts of January 8 on Thursday 14, in the Supreme Court (STF), Minister André Mendonça during his vote said he could not understand how the Planalto “was invaded the way it was invaded” and stated that, as Minister of Justice of the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), in similar events he “was on duty, with a team at his disposal, to prevent what happened.

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Mendonça states that it is necessary to know “how this group enters as easily as it entered the National Congress and the Planalto Palace. Where was the force of the national force? To this day Brazil does not know, he questioned. “Whether it’s in the Ministry of Justice, or with National Force police officers who arrive here in a few minutes to prevent what happened.

I’m not going to get into that merit today. Now my intention is to evaluate the conduct of the defendant Aécio Lúcio da Costa Pereira “, finished being interrupted by Minister Alexandre de Moraes.

Moraes then begins a series of statements among them, “five colonels of the PM are imprisoned and clearly the military police is responsible. I was also Minister of Justice and we know, we both know that the Minister of Justice cannot use the the National Force if there was no authorization from the government of the Federal District”, at this moment Moraes is interrupted by Mendonça who states, “does not apply to Federal buildings, in this case can and should use the National Force”, ends Mendonça with Moraes shouting to overlay Mendonça´s speech.

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“I can’t believe you’re saying it’s the fault of Justice Minister Flávio Dino, it’s absurd, he exalted himself” Moraes. Then, without allowing Mendonça to continue his vote, Moraes began his defense.

Mendonça said, “I’m not blaming anyone your excellency who is saying, even though I wanted and the Brazilians wants to see these videos from the Ministry of Justice.”

Mendonça was talking about the images of the cameras of the Ministry of Justice, which Dino used by various means not to deliver them and only when there was no way to avoid it did he report that the images that he could solve and prove about what happened on January 8 had been erased.

“I was also minister of justice and your excellency comes to say that there was a conspiracy of the current government against the previous one,” cries Moraes.

Then Mendonça says, “I’m nobody’s lawyer. Don’t put words in my good.” After this Gilmar Mendes tries to calm the tempers and Moraes begins to use the cell phone sending messages. (WATCH VIDEO)

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